
김성훈 교수

연구실 601 내선 2639

연락처 : 02-2220-2639



- 서울대학교 교육학과 학사 및 석사

- 미국 University of Iowa, Educational Measurement & Statistics 전공 박사(PhD)





- 미국 University of Iowa, Iowa Testing Programs (ITP), Post-doc

- 세계 최대 검사기관 ACT, Inc. 연구원

- 계명대학교 & 충북대학교 교육학과 ()교수

- 한국교육평가학회 이사

- 미교육측정학회 National Council on Educational Measurement (NCME)에서 Brenda H. Loyd Outstanding Dissertation Award 수상

- NCME에서 Bradley Hanson Award for Contributions to Educational Measurement 수상(1회 수상자)



주요 저서/역서


- 행동과학에서의 실험의 설계와 분석 (공저, 교육과학사)

- 교직실무 (공저, 공동체)

- Handbook of Polytomous Item Response Theory Models, Chap. 11 (공저, Routledge)

- Equating Recipes (공저, CASMA, University of Iowa)

- 교육측정 (공역, 학지사)

- 수업중심 교육평가 (공역, 학지사)



주요 논문


* 이하의 논문을 포함한 50편 이상

- An extension of four IRT linking methods for mixed-format tests (공저, Journal of Educational Measurement, 43)

- Robustness to format effects of IRT linking methods for mixed-format tests (공저, Applied Measurement in Education, 19)

- A comparative study of IRT fixed parameter calibration methods (단독, Journal of Educational Measurement, 43)

- Testing the difference between two alpha coefficients with small samples of subjects and raters (공저, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66)

- A method for estimating classification consistency indices for two equated forms (공저, Applied Psychological Measurement, 31)

- Effects on scale linking of different definitions of criterion functions for the IRT characteristic curve methods (공저, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 32)

- A comparison of tests for equality of two or more independent alpha coefficients (공저, Journal of Educational Measurement, 45)

- The estimation of the IRT reliability coefficients and its lower and upper bounds, with comparisons to CTT reliability statistics (공저, Asia Pacific Education Review, 11)

- An extension of least squares estimation of IRT linking coefficients for the graded response model (단독, Applied Psychological Measurement, 34)

- A note on the reliability coefficients for item response model-based ability estimates (단독, Psychometrika, 77)

- Generalization of the Lord-Wingersky algorithm to computing the distribution of summed test scores based on real-number item scores (단독, Journal of Educational Measurement, 50)

- Cronbach's coefficient alpha: Well known but poorly understood (공저, Organizational Research Methods, 18)

- Methods for obtaining a common scale under unidimensional IRT models: A technical review and further extensions (공저, Iowa Testing Programs Occasional Paper No. 52)

- A diagnosis on the performance of BILOG-MG's empirical reliability estimators for IRT ability scores (단독, 교육평가연구, 26)

- 유한혼합분포에 대한 EM 알고리듬을 사용한 다집단 IRT 추정 방법의 원리와 기능 (단독, 교육평가연구, 26)



관심 연구 분야


- 문항반응이론(Item Response Theory: IRT)

- 검사동등화 및 수직척도화(Test Equating & Vertical Scaling)

- 검사/척도 점수의 신뢰도와 타당도/타당화

- 일반화가능도이론(Generalizability Theory)

- 컴퓨터개별적응검사(Computerized Adaptive Testing: CAT)

- 요인분석 및 구조방정식 모형의 적용

- 다층자료 및 패널자료 분석

- 교육 및 심리 검사/척도 제작

- 교육측정평가 응용 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 분석 및 개발(STUIRT, EQUIRT, ICL)