
김성연 교수

연구실 614 내선 1141

연락처 : 02-2220-1141


1988-1992 이화여자대학교 영어교육과 (BA)

1992-1994 서울대학교 영어영문학과 (MA)

1995-1998 University of Texas at Austin 영어교육 (Ph.D.)

1998-1999 University of Texas at Austin 교육공학 (MA)

[교육 및 연구 경력]

1998-1999: 텍사스주립대학교 한국어과 강사

2000-2002: 가톨릭대학교 영어영미문화 전공 전임강사

2008-2009: Fulbright 연구교수

2002: 한양대학교 영어교육과 조교수 임용

2012-현재: 한양대학교 영어교육과 교수

[강의 교과목]

연구방법 및 통계, 영어과 교육과정 및 교재연구, 영어 평가, 제2 언어 습득론, 영어과교육론, 영어교수의 원리, 영어 발표연습, 논리 및 논술

[연구 분야]

멀티미디어 영어교육, 언어 평가, 언어 교수법, 언어 습득, 읽기/쓰기 지도, 교육과정, 교재 개발, 교사교육, 교육정책, 학습 동기, 외국어 학습 불안

[학술 활동]

* 국내/국제 전문 학술지

1. Kim, S.-Y. (2014). Korean secondary school students` affective attitudes toward English writing. Modern English Education, 15(2)

2. Kim, S.-Y. (2014). Korean secondary school English teachers` competence in English writing and writing instruction. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 14 (1)

4. Kim, S.-Y., & Ju, S.-R. (2014). Linguistic and affective benefits of English song dictation activities for elementary school students. Primary English Education, 20(1), 63-83.

5. Kim, S.-Y., & Yi, H-K. (2013). A Case Study of How English Speaking and Writing Performance Assessment Works in Middle School Context. Studies in English Education, 18(2), 159-183.

6. Kim, S.-Y., & Pae, J.-K. (2013). Computer-supported writing: A comparison of Wiki and Daedalus. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 16(2), 31-52.

7. Kim, S.-Y., & Lee, H-J. (2012). A comparison of peer feedback in CMC and FFC contexts. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 15(1), 91-114.

8. Kim, S.-Y. (2012). Options in a multiple-choice English test: Quality over quantity. Korean Journal of English Language & Linguistics, 12(1). 19-39.

9. Kim, S.-Y., & Lee, H-J. (2012). The effects of online bulletin board on Korean primary school students’ English writing and learning attitudes. Primary English Education, 18(1), 131-150.

10. Kim, S.-Y. (2011). An evaluation of native English-speaking teachers` linguistic, cultural, and pedagogical competence. Foreign Languages Education, 18(2), 209-232.

11. Kim, S.-Y. (2011). Negotiation of Meaning in English Writing Class: Using Text-based CMC for a Pre-writing Task. Studies in English Education, 16(1), 134-165.

12. Kim, S.-Y. (2011). Does content-based instruction attain two aims for one? From learners` perspectives. Information and Society, 14, 47-74.

13. Kim, S.-Y., & Ryoo, Y. (2011). Korean EFL learners’ vocabulary use in reading-based writing: According to topic and learner proficiency. English Teaching, 66(1), 93-112.

14. Kim, S.-Y., & Jung, J. (2011). Primary school students’ affective responses to digital storytelling and face-to-face storytelling. Primary English Education, 17(1), 229-251.

15. Kim, S.-Y. (2010). The effects of virtual reality based CMC on English language learning. English Language Teaching, 22(4), 53-74.

16. Kim, H.-R., Kim, S.-Y., Lee, S.-Y., Woo, K.-J. (2010). A study on the evaluation of teacher training programs for Korean English teachers. Foreign Languages Education, 17(3), 385-410.

17. Kim, S.-Y. (2010). Is foreign language classroom anxiety context free or context dependent? Foreign Language Annals, 43(2), 187-189.

18. Kim, S.-Y., Kim, H.-R., Lee, S.-Y., Woo, K.-J. (2010). Intensive teacher training programs for English teachers in Korea: What works and what doesn’t. English Teaching, 65(2), 199-224.

19. Kim, S.-Y. (2010). Korean heritage learners’ affect and performance. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 24(1), 243-267.

20. Kim, S.-Y., & Ryoo, Y.-S. (2009). Korean college students’ vocabulary profiles as predictors of English reading and writing proficiency. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 12(3), 93-115.

21. Kim, S.-Y. (2009). Korean ESL students’ learning styles in English language learning. Hanyang Educational Review, 25(1), 29-54.

22. Kim, S.-Y. (2009). Questioning the stability of foreign language classroom anxiety and motivation across different classroom contexts. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1), 138-157.

23. Kim, S.-Y. (2009). The optimal number of options in a multiple-choice English test. English Language Teaching, 21(2), 69-87.

24. Kim, S.-Y., & Lee, S.-H. (2008). Learning strategies and instructional approaches for Korean EFL learners’ productive vocabulary development. English Language Teaching, 20(4). 237-259.

25. Kim, S.-Y., Lee, S.-Y., Lee, W.-K., & Lee, J.-H. (2008). Primary school English teachers’ and students’ perspectives on increased instructional hours. English Teaching, 63(4), 327-348.

26. Lee, S.-Y., Kim, S.-Y., Lee, W-K., & Lee, J.-H (2008). The effect of increased instructional hours of primary school English classes on students’ English achievement. Primary English Teaching, 14(3), 29-47.

27. Kim, S.-Y. (2008). CMC as an alternative to FFC in EFL contexts. Multimedia Assisted Language Learning, 11(3).

28. Kim, S.-Y. (2008). Five years of teaching English through English: Responses from teachers and prospects for learners. English Teaching, 63(1)

29. Kim, S.-Y., & Lim, J. (2007). “Errors and strategies observed in Korean heritage learners’ L2 writing.” Foreign Languages Education, 14(4)

30. Kim, S.-Y., & Lee, W.-K. (2006). An evaluation of the English native instructor program of national universities of Education. Primary English Education, 12(1), 35-62.

31. Kim, S.-Y., & Park, G. R. (2006). An investigation into the association between learner anxiety and strategy use and English listening and reading. Foreign Languages Education, 13(2), 93-120.

32. Kim, S.-Y., & Berting, R. (2005). Content-based instruction: Bridging the gap between what students can do and what they need to do. Foreign Languages Education, 12(3).

33. Kim, S.-Y., & Kim, W.-K. (2005). An investigation into learner autonomy in relation to practical English skills. English Language Teaching, 17(3), 107-129.

34. Kim, S.-Y. (2005). Peer-assisted learning: Implications for content-based English classes. English Teaching, 60(3). 

35. Kim, S.-Y., & Park, H.-Y. (2005). The effects of a learner-directed language lab on college students’ listening proficiency and attitudes. English Language Teaching, 17(1), 189-213.

36. Kim, S.-Y. (2004). The effects of drama tasks on English language learning. English Language Teaching, 16(2), 101-125.

37. Kim, J.-H., & Kim, S.-Y. (2004). An investigation into primary school English teacher anxiety. Primary English Education, 10(1), 43-66.

38. Kim, S.-Y., & Lim, S. (2004). Cyber university learner needs analysis for English curriculum design. Journal of the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea, 20(1). 

39. Kim, S.-Y., & Kim, J.-H. (2004). When the learner becomes a teacher: Foreign language anxiety as an occupational hazard. English Teaching, 60(3), 165-185.

40. Hwang, J.-B., & Kim, S.-Y. (2003). Designing Internet-based English language teaching materials based on the 6th grade elementary school textbook. Primary English Education, 9(1), 167-198.

41. Kim, S.-Y. (2003). A combination of CMC and FFC: Its effects on Korean students’ oral proficiency and attitudes. English Teaching, 58(1), 61-80.

42. Kim, S.-Y. (2002). Elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward teaching English through English. Primary English Education, 8(2), 5-30.

43. Kim, S.-Y. (2002). Korean college students’ reflections of English language learning via CMC and FFC. Multimedia Assisted Language Learning, 5(2), 6-26.

44. Kim, S. Y. (2002). Teachers’ perceptions about teaching English through English. English Teaching, 57(1), 131-148.

45. Kim, S.-Y. (2001). Ways to develop communicative competence through virtual learning environments. Journal of the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea, 17(1), 139-158.

46. Kim, S.-Y. (2000). Contextual factors associated with anxiety and motivation. English Teaching, 55(3), 91-110. 

47. Kim, S.-Y. (2000). A study on language learning anxiety and goal orientation: The relationship across different classroom contexts. English Teaching, 55(1), 23-46. 

48. Kim, S.-Y. (1999). Computer-support for collaborative learning: Software tools. Multimedia Assisted Language Learning, 2(2), 47-68.

49. Kim, S.-Y. (1999). Collaborative teaching: Implications for EFL instruction. MIE Journal, 23, 19-25. 

50. Kim, S.-Y. (1999). Portfolio assessment: Techniques and implications. Foreign Languages Education, 6, 129-148.

* 저서

Lee, W.-K., Choi, I.-C., Cho, D.-W., Cha, K.-H., Kim, S.-Y., & Ahn, K.-J. (2013). Hello OPIc Listening & Reading. ACTFL Korea. Seoul: Credu.

Kim, S.-Y. (2004). Computer-assisted language learning. In Y. Kim, Y. Choi, K. Cha, J. Nam, Y. M., & S. Kim. Principle of English Language Teaching (pp. 291-347). Seoul, Korea: Hankuk Munhwa.

* 중등 교과서 집필

1. Lee, W.-K., Kim, S.-Y., Lee, S.-J., Lee, C.-H., Lee, J.-R., Yoon, J.-H., & Caldwell, R. T. (2009). Middle school English. Seoul, Korea: Geumsung Publisher.

2. Lee, W.-K., Lee, S.-J., Kim, S.-Y., Chang, E.-S., Na, W.-C., Lee, B.-I., & Caldwell, R. T. (2009). High school English. Seoul, Korea: Geumsung Publisher.

* 멀티미디어 교수/학습 자료

Kim, S.-Y. (2000). Hello English for the 6th Graders. Samsung Multimedia.

* 학술대회 초록집 논문

1. Kim, S.-Y. (2013, October). What`s Smart and What`s Not for Language Learning. In KMALL (The Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning), Smart Language Learning in a Cennected World (pp. 000-000). Seoul: KMALL.

2. Kim, S.-Y., & Yi, H.-K. (2013, October). What Teachers Say about English Writing Performance Assessment. In ALAK (The Applied Linguistics Association of Korea), Applied Linguistics in Asia: Global and Local Perspectives (pp. 000-000). Busan: ALAK.

3. Kim, S.-Y. , & Park, B.-K. (2013, July). Case Study of a Prospective English Teachers` Learning Community for English Writing Practice. In MEESO (The Modern English Education Society), Localizing and Globalizing English Education: Its Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 000-000). Seoul: MEESO.

4. Kim, S.-Y. (2011). Is co-teaching collaborative? In KATE (The Korea Association of Teachers of English), Empowering English Teachers in the Globalization Era (pp. 159-163). Seoul: KATE. 

5. Kim, S.-Y. (2011). Evaluation of native English speaking teachers from learners’ perspectives. In PKETA (The Pan-Korea English Teachers Association), New Directions for Teaching English: Promoting Learner Autonomy and Authenticity for Global Communication (pp. 103-107). Busan: PKETA. 

6. Ryoo, Y.-S., & Kim, S.-Y. (2010). Korean EFL learners’ productive vocabulary in English writing. In. KATE (The Korea Association of Teachers of English), Teaching and learning English as a global language: Challenges and opportunities (pp. 196-200). Seoul: KATE. 

7. Kim, S.-Y., & Ryoo, Y. S. (2009). Korean EFL learners’ vocabulary use in English writing. In. PKETA (The Pan-Korea English Teachers Association), Extensive reading and writing in the EFL contexts (pp. 152-157). Busan: PKETA. 

8. Kim, S.-Y., & Berting, R. (2005). Content-based instruction in Korean college EFL classes. In. KATE (The Korea Association of Teachers of English), ELT at the crossroads: 40 years of research, teaching, and service (pp. 344-349). Seoul: KATE. 

9. Kim, S.-Y., & Kim, J.-H. (2003). An investigation into foreign language teaching anxiety. KATE. (pp. 45-50). Seoul: KATE.

10. Kim, S.-Y. (July, 2002). Teaching English through English: From teachers’ perspectives. Seoul: KATE 

11. Kim, S.-Y. (July, 2001). Teachers’ perceptions about the problems associated with the use of classroom English. Seoul: KATE. 

* 학술대회 발표 (초록만 게재)

1. Kim, S.-Y. (July, 2010). Washback effects of writing proficiency tests in Korea. Presented as an invited speaker, 2010 ACTFL Forum, Seoul, Korea. 

2. Kim, S.-Y., & Kim, H.-O. (August, 2006). Authentic CMC with OK Buddy. Asia TEFL. Fukuoka, Japan.

3. Kim, S.-Y. (April, 2005). Collaborative learning: Implications for English education in Korea. KOTESOL. Gwangju, Korea. 

4. Kim, S.-Y. (March, 2005). Language learning in virtual space. Annual Convention of TESOL. San Antonio, TX., USA.

5. Kim, S. (December, 2002). Livetalk2u: Three-dimensional voice communication software tool for developing communicative competence. AILA (13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics). Singapore.

6. Kim, S. (July, 2002). Korean EFL learners’ reflections of CMC and FFC. ROCMELIA. Kaohshiung, Taiwan.

7. Kim, S. (January, 2002). The marriage of CMC and FFC: Its effects on Korean students’ oral proficiency in English. Association of Korea Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning. Seoul, Korea. 

8. Kim, S.-Y. (June, 2001). Drama tasks in English classrooms. Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK). Seoul, Korea

9. Kim, S.-Y. (April, 2001). Designing effective online instruction. Association of Korea Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning. Seoul, Korea. 

10. Kim, S.-Y., Moon, Y.-I., & Kim, Y.-S. (February, 2001). The use of classroom English in elementary school. Korea Association of Foreign Languages Education. Seoul, Korea.

11. Kim, S.-Y. (June, 2000). Computer-mediated communication in language education. Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK). Seoul, Korea.

12. Kim, S.-Y. (January, 2000). Effective ways to integrate multimedia into language instruction. Association of Korea Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning. Seoul, Korea. 

13. Kim, S.-Y. (January, 1999). Computer-supported collaborative learning: Theoretical and practical considerations. Association of Korea Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning. Seoul, Korea. 

14. Kim, S.-Y. (December, 1999). Variations in register displayed by learners of Korean in spoken and written narratives. Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK). Seoul, Korea.

15. Kim, S.-Y. (July, 1999). Computer-supported collaborative learning: Implications for ESL instruction. Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK). Seoul, Korea.

16. Kim, S.-Y. (June, 1999). Affective experiences of Korean college students in different instructional contexts. KATE. Gwangju, Korea. 

17. Kim, S.-Y. (November, 1997). Korean students’ anxiety and motivation in English classrooms. TEXTESOL. Austin, TX., USA..

18. Kim, S.-Y. (November, 1996). The learning needs of Korean ESL students. TEXTESOL. Houston, TX., USA.

[연구 과제]

1. Designing effective EFL writing instruction models and developing English teachers` teaching competence in writing for successful applicability of National English Ability Test to school context. (May, 2012-Apr., 2014): National Research Foundation. 

2. The effects of computer-supported collaborative writing on Korean college students` writing proficiency and writing apprehension. (Jan., 2012-Dec., 2012): Hanyang University Research Council.

3. English vocabulary in reading-integrated tasks. (Jan., 2012-Dec., 2012): Hanyang University Research Council. 

4. Developing linguistic, cultural, and pedagogical competence of native teachers of English in Korea. (Nov., 2009-Oct. 2010) Research Grant: Korea Research Foundation.

5. Digital Textbook Development. Collaborative Research (2009-2010): Korea Education & Research Information Service.

6. Evaluation of intensive teacher training programs in Korea. Collaborative Research (2009-2010): Ministry of Education.

7. The number of options in a multiple-choice English test. Research Grant (June, 2009-May, 2010): Hanyang University Research Council.

8. Writing instruction in Korean Universities. (Sept., 2008-June, 2009) Research Grant: Fulbright Foundation.

9. An instructional model for teaching writing. (Feb., 2008) Research Grant: International Affairs and Outreach, University of Oregon.

10. Network-based communication in virtual reality: Its effects on English language learning and teaching. (Dec., 2007-Nov. 2008) Research Grant: Korea Research Foundation.

11. Learning English through meaning negotiation in computer-mediated communication. Research Grant (Nov., 2007-Oct., 2008): Hanyang University Research Council.

12. The Effects of increased number of class hours on primary school English Education. Collaborative Research (2006-2008): Ministry of Education. 

13. An evaluation of the English Program in Korea (EPIK) Research Grant: KICE, Ministry of Education.

14. An evaluation of the English Native Instructor Program (ENIP). Collaborative Research (2005-2006): Ministry of Education. 

15. CMC for developing English oral proficiency. (Oct., 2006-Sept., 2007) Research Grant: University Research Council, Hanyang University.

16. An investigation into the TETE policy. (Dec., 2005-Nov., 2006)
Research Grant: University Research Council, Hanyang University.

17. Peer-assisted collaborative learning in content-based course. (Nov., 2004-Oct., 2005) Research Grant: University Research Council, Hanyang University.

18. Using drama tasks for teaching English. (Nov., 2003-Oct., 2004)
Research Grant: University Research Council, Hanyang University.

19. Korean Teachers’ Attitudes to Teaching English through English. (Apr. 2002-March, 2003) Research Grant: University Research Council, Hanyang University.

20. How to use the Internet for effective classroom instruction. (Nov., 2001-Oct. 2002) Research Grant: Korea Research Foundation.

21. A combination of CMC and FFC: Its effects on Korean students’ oral proficiency and attitudes. (Oct., 2001-Sept. 2002) Research Grant: Korea Research Foundation.

22. English curriculum design for the gifted students. (July, 2000-Dec., 2000)
Research Grant: KICE, Ministry of Education.

23. Using Multimedia Contents for teaching English. (Sept., 2000-Aug., 2001)
Research Grant: University Research Council, Catholic University.

24. Classroom English materials in-service teachers. (June, 2000-Nov., 2000) Research Grant: KICE, Ministry of Education.

25. Ways to develop communicative competence using virtual space. (Dec., 1999-Nov. 2000) Post-doctoral Research Grant: Korea Research Foundation.

[교내 활동]

1. 영어교육과 학과장 및 대학원 전공주임 (2012-2014)

2. 교수평의원

3. 교육대학원 영어교육전공주임 (2010-2012)

4. 영어교육과 학과장 및 대학원 전공주임 (2005-2007)

5. 교육대학원 발전 위원회 (2004-2007) 

6. 한양대학교 발전 위원회 (2005)

7. 입학처 위원회 (2005-2007)

8. 한양저널 주간 (2004-2006)

[대외 활동]

1. 한국교육과정평가원 국가영어능력인증시험 평가위원 (2011.4-현재)

2. 대학수학능력시험 출제위원 (2005년, 2006년)

3. 대학수학능력시험 모의평가 출제위원 (2003년, 2005년)

4. 서울시 교육연수원 교원연수 (1999-현재) 

5. 고려대학교 중등교원연수원 교사연수 (2006)

6. 강원도교육청 중등교원 연수 (2005)

7. 학술지 논문 심사위원 
- Modern Language Journal (SSCI)
- Language Learning (SSCI)
- Foreign Language Annals (SSCI)